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Official Travel Agency

Our official travel agency, Tekser, will be pleased to provide the services you need for your transportation and accommodation.

Hotel and car rental reservations (domestic and international)

Çiğdem Aydoğdu | [email protected] | +90 532 322 46 24

Visa and insurance procedures

Nurdan Ata Balcı | [email protected] | +90 534 911 51 24

Flight ticket reservations

Semra Akın | [email protected] | +90 537 951 09 87

On-call line: +90 530 873 45 97

Corporate Services Department Manager

Serap Acar | [email protected] | +90 533 664 84 86

Business Development Manager

Şen Günersel | [email protected] | +90 533 592 59 47

Your Benefits

Why Should You Participate In teskon+SODEX ?

Organised by Hannover Messe Sodeks Fuarcılık A.Ş., teskon+SODEX will be held on 16 – 19 April 2025 at İzmir MMO Tepekule Congress Center.

  • Will be gathering information about different product groups like Heating, Refrigeration, Ventilation, Insulation, Pump, Valve under one roof
  • Has visitor flow and diversification with the synergy of TESKON Congress, organized by Union Of Chambers Of Turkish Engineers and Architects (TMMOB) and Union Of Chambers Of Turkish Engineers and Architects (TMMOB) İzmir branch
  • Will give the exhibitors the chance to share information with academicians, architects, engineers and project companies’ sector professionals
  • Will be gathering together the sector professionals and academicians of Aegean Region
  • Has the opportunity to see the innovations in the sector as well as in the region, chance to present new products to existing and potential customers as well as important academicians
  • Creates a meeting point for HVAC sector every two years by bringing the latest developments in the sector.